Friday, June 6, 2008

Your Inbox is Full

This was one of the more interesting days in my life. I didn't say good, I didn't say bad, I said interesting.
Mom's house is never dull. I was in charge of the two toddlers and one newborn this morning. I would rather be in charge of 10 newborns. Between A and J, there is never a moment when I can sit down. Unless it's cause I'm stuck to the toilet with some sort of medical reasoning, in which I will spare you the details. Let's just say that Josh had to enjoy his carseat in the bathroom with me for a while. He is a generally happy guy so that's okay. Jayla and Aliyah played with toilet paper rolls. I let them, only because it was better and less dangerous than a lot of other things they could be destroying. So that was the extent of my sit down time.
My joys this morning started when J decided she wanted to see what Josh's hand tasted like. Apparently it was pretty good because she felt the need to actually clamp down pretty hard on it. Poor guy. He was pretty upset. No real damage done though. After this, someone did a poop in the potty which is good, except when A and J decide to take it upon themselves to empty it into the toilet. Won't go any further there. It involved a lot of cleanup and half a bottle of Fantastik disinfectant spray.
Next was something pretty funny. I got the girls their lunch, chicken noodle soup. Aliyah was apparently a little too excited and launched herself onto her chair with too much gusto. She went up one side and flew off the other side of the chair immediately, head first. She took down her bowl of soup with her, which resulted in a broken bowl, soup everywhere, and a frightened girl. We got past this. But the replay in my mind still has me chuckling.
I took A upstairs and tucked her into mom's bed. When I came down I found J applying lotion to her face. "Mommy I put on lotion". It wasn't really lotion (you guessed it). It was actually chicken noodle soup. So she had a bath. While Josh cried in the swing, and I prayed to some Gods that Aliyah was behaving herself upstairs in mom's room. Which she was.
The Mommy Gods? Is that who I was praying to?
I don't know, but I'm sure they have a pretty full inbox too, if they do exist. I guess that's why they don't always answer.